This HIV genome assembly is based on the MN (gp120) sequence from VaxGen, which was used for its HIV-1 vaccine design.

Sample position queries

A genome position can be specified by a coordinate range, a gene or region identifier. The following list shows examples of valid position queries. See the Tutorial for more information.

   Genome Browser Response:

chr1 Displays the entire genome
chr1:1000-1500 Displays the region between bases 1000 and 1500
gp120 Displays the GP120 region

Assembly details

This browser shows gene regions, locations of protein domains, and viral sequences collected during the VaxGen VAX004 and VAX003 HIV vaccine clinical trials.

This browser and its associated database are built for the GSID (Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases) HIV vaccine project. The annotation tracks displayed in the GSID HIV Data Browser were generated by UCSC and collaborators. See the Credits page for a detailed list of the organizations and individuals who contributed to the success of this release.