
This super-track combines related tracks of genome-wide Transcriptome Phase 3 data generated by Affymetrix. There are four member tracks:


Data generation and analysis were performed by the transcriptome group at Affymetrix with assistance from colleagues at the University of Leipzig, Fraunhofer Institute, and University of Vienna: P. Kapranov, J. Cheng, S. Dike, D.A. Nix, R. Duttagupta, A.T. Willingham, P.F. Stadler, J. Hertel, J. Hackermüller, I.L. Hofacker, I. Bell, E. Cheung, J. Drenkow, E. Dumais, S. Patel, G. Helt, M. Ganesh, S. Ghosh, A. Piccolboni, V. Sementchenko, H. Tammana, T.R. Gingeras.

Questions or comments about this annotation? Email genome@soe.ucsc.edu.


Kapranov P, Cheng J, Dike S, Nix DA, Duttagupta R, Willingham AT, Stadler PF, Hertel J, Hackermüller J, Hofacker IL, et al. RNA maps reveal new RNA classes and a possible function for pervasive transcription. Science. 2007 Jun 8;316(5830):1484-8.