
This track shows 160 regions detected as putative copy number polymorphisms by BAC microarray analysis in a population of 47 individuals, comprising 8 Chinese, 4 Japanese, 10 Czech, 2 Druze, 7 Biaka, 9 Mbuti, and 7 Amerindians.


Hybridizations were all performed in duplicate incorporating a dye-reversal using a custom array consisting of 2194 end-sequence or FISH confirmed BACs, targeted to regions of the genome flanked by segmental duplications. The false positive rate was estimated as ~3 clones per 4,000 tested.


Sharp, A.J., Locke D..P, McGrath S.D., Cheng Z., Bailey J.A., Samonte R.V., Pertz L.M., Clark R.A., Schwartz S., Segraves R., Oseroff V.V., Albertson D.G., Pinkel D. and Eichler E..E Segmental duplications and copy number variation in the human genome. Am J Hum Genet 77(1), 78-88 (2005).