
While the DECIPHER database is open to the public, users seeking information about a personal medical or genetic condition are urged to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to personal questions.

Because the UCSC Genes mappings are based on associations from RefSeq and UniProt, they are dependent on any interpretations from those sources. Furthermore, because many DECIPHER records refer to multiple gene names, or syndromes not tightly mapped to individual genes, the associations in this track should be treated with skepticism and any conclusions based on them should be carefully scrutinized using independent resources.

UCSC is authorized to present these data only via display in the Browser, and not for bulk download. Access to bulk data may be obtained directly from DECIPHER and is subject to a Data Access Agreement, in which the user certifies that no attempt to identify individual patients will be undertaken. The same restrictions apply to the public data displayed at UCSC: No one is authorized to attempt to identify patients by any means.

The DECIPHER database of submicroscopic chromosomal imbalance collects clinical information about chromosomal microdeletions/duplications/insertions, translocations and inversions, and displays this information on the human genome map.

This track shows genomic regions of reported cases and their associated phenotype information. All data have passed the strict consent requirements of the DECIPHER project and are approved for unrestricted public release. Clicking the Patient View ID link brings up a more detailed informational page on the patient at the DECIPHER web site.


Data provided by the DECIPHER project group are imported and processed to create a simple BED track to annotate the genomic regions associated with individual patients.

The entries are colored red for deletions (mean log ratio < 0) and blue for duplications (mean log ratio > 0).
Note that the color scheme changed in March 2011.


For more information on DECIPHER, please contact


Firth HV, Richards SM, Bevan AP, Clayton S, Corpas M, Rajan D, Van Vooren S, Moreau Y, Pettett RM, Carter NP. DECIPHER: Database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans Using Ensembl Resources. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 Apr;84(4):524-33.