
This track displays DNA Binding data for the NHGRI ENCODE target regions. This experimet is known by many names: gel shift assay, gel mobility shift assay (GMSA), band shift assay (BSA), and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)). It is a method by which one can determine whether a particular protein preparation contains factors which bind to a particular DNA fragment. When a radiolabeled DNA fragment is run on a gel, it shows a characteristic mobility. If it is first incubated with a cellular extract of proteins (or with purified protein), any protein-DNA complexes will migrate slower than the naked DNA, resulting in a shifted band.

The long-term goal of the NHGRI ENCODE Project (ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements) is to identify all functional elements in the human genome sequence to facilitate a better understanding of human biology and disease.

During the pilot phase, 44 regions comprising 30 Mb -- approximately 1% of the human genome -- have been selected for intensive study to identify, locate and analyze functional elements within the regions. These targets are being studied by a diverse public research consortium to test and evaluate the efficacy of various methods, technologies, and strategies for locating genomic features. The outcome of this initial phase will form the basis for a larger-scale effort to analyze the entire human genome.

The ENCODE Project: Target Selection Process provides a description of how the initial target regions were selected.

To open a UCSC Genome Browser with a menu for selecting ENCODE regions, use ENCODE Regions in the UCSC Browser .


Thanks to Laura Elnitski, Ross Hardison, and Webb Miller at Penn State and the NHGRI ENCODE project for providing this initial set of data.