
This track displays absolute transcript copy numbers for 136 genes and 12 negative control intergenic regions, determined by RTPCR in HCT116 cells.

Display Conventions and Configuration

The genomic regions are indicated by solid blocks. The shade of an item gives a rough indication of its count, ranging from light gray for zero to black for a count of 7000 or greater. To display only those items that exceed a specific unnormalized score, enter a minimum score between 0 and 1000 in the text box at the top of the track description page.


Total RNA was prepared in quadruplicate from HCT116 cells grown in culture. cDNA was prepared as described in Trinklein et al. (2004). Duplicate primer pairs were designed to each gene, and the absolute number of cDNA molecules containing each amplicon were determined by real-time PCR. The submitted data are the calculated number of molecules of each transcript containing the defined amplicon.


Four biological replicates were performed, and two primer pairs were used to measure the abundance of each transcript.


These data were generated in the Richard M. Myers lab at Stanford University (now at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology).


Trinklein, N.D., Chen, W.C., Kingston, R.E. and Myers, R.M. Transcriptional regulation and binding of HSF1 and HSF2 to 32 human heat shock genes during thermal stress and differentiation. Cell Stress Chaperones 9(1), 21-28 (2004).