
This track displays blastz alignments of the Feb. 2002 mouse draft assembly to the human genome, filtered by axtBest and subsetAxt with very stringent constraints as described below.

Each item in the display is identified by the chromosome, strand, and location of the match (in thousands).


Blastz uses 12 of 19 seeds and this matrix:
  A C G T
A  91-114 -31-123
C-114 100-125 -31
G -31-125 100-114
T-123 -31-114 91

O = 400, E = 30, K = 3000, L = 3000, M = 50

A second pass is done at reduced stringency (7mer seeds and MSP threshold of K=2200) to attempt to fill in gaps of up to about 10K bp. Lineage specific repeats are abridged during this alignment.

AxtBest selects only the best alignment for any given region of the genome.

SubsetAxt was run on axtBest-filtered alignments with this matrix:
  A C G T

with a gap open penalty of 2000 and a gap extension penalty of 50. The minimum score threshold was 3400.

Using the Filter

The track filter can be used to turn on the chromosome color track or to filter the display output by chromosome.

When you have finished configuring the filter, click the Submit button.


The alignments are contributed by Scott Schwartz from the Penn State Bioinformatics Group. The best in genome filtering is done by UCSC's axtBest and subsetAxt programs. Mouse sequence data are provided by the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium.