
These tracks represent conserved elements detected by any (union) or all (intersection) combinations of elements produced by binCons, phastCons, and GERP conservation scoring methods applied to TBA and MLAGAN sequence alignments of 23 vertebrates in the ENCODE regions.

For more information on the individual subtracks, see the description pages for the TBA Elements and MLAGAN Elements tracks.

Display Conventions and Configuration

The locations of conserved elements are indicated by blocks in the graphical display. The display may be filtered to show only those items with unnormalized scores that meet or exceed a certain threshhold. To set a threshhold, type the minimum score into the text box at the top of the description page. To show only selected subtracks within this annotation, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks you wish to hide.


In these annotations, "non-coding" refers to those regions not overlapping with CDS regions in any of the following UCSC Genome Browser tables: refFlat, knownGene, mgcGenes, vegaGene, or ensGene.

See the description pages for the TBA Elements and MLAGAN Elements for additional information about methods used to generate these data.


See the description pages for the TBA Elements and MLAGAN Elements for information about verification techniques used to generate these data.


BinCons and phastCons MCS data were contributed by Elliott Margulies in the Eric Green lab at NHGRI, with assistance from Adam Siepel of UCSC.

GERP was developed primarily by Greg Cooper in the lab of Arend Sidow at Stanford University (Depts of Pathology and Genetics), in close collaboration with Eric Stone (Biostatistics, NC State), and George Asimenos and Eugene Davydov in the lab of Serafim Batzoglou (Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford).

The intersection and union data shown in these subtracks were contributed by Elliott Margulies.


See the TBA/MLAGAN Alignment and TBA/MLAGAN Cons tracks for references.