
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) is a quantitative measurement of gene expression. Data are presented for every cluster contained in the browser window and the selected cluster name is highlighted in the table. All data are from the repository at the SageMap project built on UniGene version Hs 162. Click on a UniGene cluster name on the track details page to display SageMap's page for that cluster. Please note that data are not available for every cluster. There is no data available for clusters that lie entirely within the bounds of larger clusters.


SAGE counts are produced by sequencing small "tags" of DNA believed to be associated with a gene. These tags were generated by attaching poly-A RNA to oligo-dT beads. After synthesis of double-stranded cDNA, transcripts were cleaved by an anchoring enzyme (usually NlaIII). Then, small tags were produced by ligation with a linker containing a type IIS restriction enzyme site and cleavage with the tagging enzyme (usually BsmFI). The tags were concatenated together and sequenced. The frequency of each tag was counted and used to infer expression level of transcripts that could be matched to that tag.


All SAGE data presented here were mapped to UniGene transcripts by the SageMap project at NCBI.