
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the association of alleles on chromosomes. It measures the difference between the observed allele frequency for a two locus allele as compared to its expected frequency, which is the product of the two single allele frequencies. When LD is low, the two loci tend to be inherited in a nearly random manner.

This track shows three different measures of linkage disequilibrium — D', r2, and LOD (log odds) — between pairs of SNPs in the displayed region. LD is useful for understanding the associations between genetic variants and can be helpful in selecting SNPs for genotyping.

By default, LOD values are displayed in full mode. Each diagonal represents a different SNP with each diamond representing a pairwise comparison between two SNPs. Shades are used to indicate linkage disequilibrium between the pair of SNPs, with darker shades indicating stronger LD. For the LOD values, additional colors are used in some cases:

 D' < 1D' = 1
LOD ≥ 2shades of pink/redbright red
LOD < 2whiteblue


Genomic sequences for numerous samples were derived from cloned PCR products. The single chromosome sequences thus derived were analyzed by Phred/Phrap/PolyBayes to determine SNPs. Only SNPs that appeared at high quality read locations in at least two samples were passed to Haploview for analysis. For each sample, the single sequenced chromosome was duplicated to present a virtual homozygote to Haploview.

Haploview uses a two marker EM (ignoring missing data) to estimate the maximum-likelihood values of the four gamete frequencies, from which the D', LOD, and r2 calculations derive. Haplotype phase is inferred using a standard EM algorithm with a partition-ligation approach for blocks with greater than 10 markers.

Display Conventions and Configuration


This track was created by Daryl Thomas at UCSC following the display style from Haploview.



Ewing, B., Hillier, L., Wendl, M., Green, P. Basecalling of automated sequencer traces using phred. I. Accuracy assessment. Genome Research 8:175-185 (1998).

Ewing, B., Green, P. Basecalling of automated sequencer traces using phred. II. Error probabilities. Genome Research 8:186-194 (1998).

Gordon, D., Abajian, C., Green, P. Consed: a graphical tool for sequence finishing. Genome Research 8:195-202 (1998).


Marth, G.T. et al. A general approach to single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery. Nature Genetics 23:452-456 (1999).


Barrett, J.C., Fry, B., Maller, J. and Daly, M.J. Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and haplotype maps. Bioinformatics 21(2), 263-5 (2005).

General references on Linkage Disequilibrium

Lewontin, R.C. On measures of gametic disequilibrium. Genetics 120, 849-52 (1988).

Hill, W. G. and Robertson, A. The effect of linkage on limits to artificial selection. Genet. Res., 8:269-294 (1966).