
This super-track combines related tracks of ChIP-chip data generated by the Yale ENCODE group. ChIP-chip, also known as genome-wide location analysis, is a technique for isolation and identification of DNA sequences bound by specific proteins in cells, including histones. Histone methylation and acetylation serves as a stable genomic imprint that regulates gene expression and other epigenetic phenomena. These histones are found in transcriptionally active domains called euchromatin.

These tracks contain ChIP-chip data of multiple transcription factors such as STAT1 and histones in multiple cell lines such as HelaS3 (cervix epithelial adenocarcinoma). Data are displayed as signals, p-values and site predictions, as well as Regulatory Factor Binding Regions (RFBR) predictions.


These data were generated and analyzed by the labs of Michael Snyder, Mark Gerstein and Sherman Weissman at Yale University. The PCR Amplicon arrays were manufactured by Bing Ren's lab at UCSD.

The RFBR data set was made available by the Transcriptional Regulation Group of the ENCODE Project Consortium. The RFBR cluster and desert tracks were generated by Zhengdong Zhang from Mark Gerstein's group at Yale University.


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