
The Omicia OMIM track is intended for research purposes. The data are obtained from OMIM and mapped by computational methods and/or human annotation, and may contain errors.


This track contains the OMIM allelic variants mapped to the human genome sequence. To obtain a more "genome-centric" view of OMIM and increase its usefulness to the community, Omicia has mapped OMIM variants as nucleotide changes leading to protein changes. Specifically, OMIM allelic variants with headings that refer to amino acid mutations, e.g., ARG123CYS, and allelic variants that refer to mutations within or relative to introns, e.g., IVS1AS G-A -1, are mapped.

There are two subtracks: one track, produced for all genes with mappable allelic variant data within OMIM, where the data are mapped by computational methods; a second track, determined for approximately 50 genes, where the data from the computational mapping method are reviewed and confirmed for accuracy, and for which additional allelic variants that could not be mapped computationally are mapped by hand.

Display Conventions

The track is color-coded by score. (See Methods for details on scoring.)

Validation codes represent specific features of the score.



Publication is in preparation.


Donna K. Hendrix, Andrew MacBride, Nomi L. Harris, Fidel Salas and Martin Reese at Omicia.
This project was funded by NHGRI 1R44 HG002993