
This track displays alignments of 16 million mouse whole genome shotgun reads (3x coverage) vs. the draft human genome. The alignments were done with BLAT in translated protein mode requiring 7 out of 8 amino acids in a row to match to trigger a detailed alignment. The human genome was masked with RepeatMasker and Tandem Repeat Finder before running BLAT. Places where more than 400 reads aligned were filtered out. Beware of alignments of greater than 97% identity. These may reflect mouse contamination of the human draft, or human contamination of the mouse shotgun data.

Data Release Policy

These data are made available before scientific publication with the following understanding:
1.The data may be freely downloaded, used in analyses, and repackaged in databases.
2.Users are free to use the data in scientific papers analyzing particular genes and regions, provided that providers of this data (the Mouse Sequencing Consortium) are properly acknowledged.
3.The Centers producing the data reserve the right to publish the initial large-scale analyses of the dataset-including large-scale identification of regions of evolutionary conservation and large-scale genomic assembly. Large-scale refers to regions with size on the order of a chromosome (that is, 30 Mb or more).
4.Any redistribution of the data should carry this notice.