
This track contains curated annotations of chromosome 22 produced by the Chromosome 22 Group at the Sanger Institute. They are described in the paper Collins, J.E. et al. Reevaluating human gene annotation: a second generation analysis of human chromosome 22. Genome Res. 13(1), 27-36 (2003).

Over 10% of the human genome, including two complete chromosomes — 20 and 22 — have been annotated by the Sanger Institute Sequence Annotation Team in collaboration with the individual chromosome project teams.

NOTE: Sanger22 annotations appear only on chromosome 22 in the Genome Browser.


Finished genomic sequence is analyzed on a clone by clone basis using a combination of similarity searches against DNA and protein databases as well as a series of ab initio gene predictions (Genscan, Fgenesh). Gene structures are annotated on the basis of human interpretation of the combined supportive evidence generated during sequence analysis. In parallel, experimental methods are applied to extend incomplete gene structures and discover new genes. The latter is initiated by comparative analysis of the finished sequence with vertebrate datasets such as the Riken mouse cDNAs, mouse whole-genome shotgun data and GenescopeTetraodon Ecores.


These annotations were obtained from the Internet at Thanks to the Sanger Institute for providing this data set. Email inquiries may be sent to