
This track consolidates all the Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms into a single track. It is the union of the Overlap SNPs, Random SNPs, Affymetrix 120K SNP, and Affymetrix 10K SNP tracks that previously existed in the Genome Browser.

Variant Sources Variant Types


The SNPs in this track include all known polymorphisms that can be mapped against the current assembly. These include known point mutations (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), insertions, deletions, and segmental mutations from the current build of dbSnp, which is shown in the Genome Browser release log.

There are three major cases that are not mapped and/or annotated:

The heuristics for the non-SNP variations (i.e. named elements and STRs) are quite conservative; therefore, some of these are probably lost. This approach was chosen to avoid false annotation of variation in inappropriate locations.

Supporting Details

Positional information can be found in the annotations section of the Genome Browser downloads page, which is organized by species and assembly. Non-positional information can be found in the shared data section of the same page, where it is split into tables by organism: dbSnpRsHg for Human, dbSnpRsMm for Mouse, and dbSnpRsRn for Rat.


Thanks to the SNP Consortium and NIH for providing the public data, which are available from dbSnp at NCBI.

Thanks to Perlegen Sciences, Inc. for providing additional SNPs from their database. Additional information about the Perlegen SNP discovery process can be found in Patil, N. (2001) Blocks of Limited Haplotype Diversity Revealed by High-Resolution Scanning of Human Chromosome 21. Science 294:1719-1723.

Thanks to Affymetrix, Inc. for developing the genotyping arrays. For more details on this genotyping assay, please see the supplemental information on the Affymetrix 10K SNP and Affymetrix 120K SNP products. Additional information, including genotyping data, is available from the details pages for the Affymetrix 120K SNP and Affymetrix 10K SNP tracks.

Terms of Use for the Affymetrix data

Please see the Terms and Conditions page on the Affymetrix website for restrictions on the use of their data.