
This track shows the Lancelet v.1.0 (Mar. 2006) whole genome shotgun assembly provided by the US DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI). The assembly was constructed with the JGI assembler, JAZZ. The sequence coverage is 8.1X. A high allelic polymorphism rate of 5-10% allowed the two haplotypes to be assembled separately at approximately 75% of genomic loci. There are a total of 3,032 scaffolds, with a total length of 923 Mb composed of 81,073 contigs. Half of the assembly is contained in 174 scaffolds, all at least 1.6 Mb in length. The length-weighted mean contig size (L50) is 26 kb.

The scaffolds in the display are ordered numerically using the scaffold numbering provided by JGI. The Genome Browser depicts the Lancelet genome as a single unordered chromosome with 1000 bp scaffold gaps, which are shown in the Gap track annotation. The scaffolds decrease in size as the scaffold number increases; scaffold #1 is the largest.

All components in chrUn are of fragment type "D": draft sequence. The chrM sequence is finished sequence, fragment type "F", from Genbank accession number NC_000834.1 GI:5881414