Candidate Oligos for every Stanford Oligo Chip track

Oligos were chosen for every Sanger22 annotation on chr22 as well as about 2000 other genes. Two oligos were chosen with a 3' bias, two with a 5' bias, and two with no bias. For this purpose exons are defined to include 3' and 5' UTRs.

The strategy

These oligo selections are based on the following ideas:

Currently we don't have data to identify which parameters are more important than others. Also, some of these scores are overlapping (i.e. if tm is limited then high secondary structure is less likely). See below for histograms of these criteria.

The Details:

The Algorithm

About the scores:

Histograms of Scores

Histograms are from the Stanford picked gene set.

Secondary structure measured in Gibb's Free energy, higher scores are better.

Blat (similar to blast) histogram, lower scores are better.

Melting temperatures, scores over 100C do happen in algorithm.

Percentage GC, not used in algorithm but presented anyway.

Please note that all coordinates are relative to the '+' strand while all oligo sequences are 5'->3'. This means that all sequences displayed are part of the sense strand. So if the oligo is represented in the database as being on the '-' strand and starts at 1 and ends at 5 of 'atgcatgc' the '+' sequence of the probe would be 'tgcat' but that is 3'->5' on the '-' strand so the sequence in the sequence would be the reverse complement 'atgct'.