
This track shows alignments of International Gene Trap Consortium sequence tags to the $organism genome. Items are labeled by cell line and colored by source:
BG: BayGenomics (USA)
CMHD: Centre for Modeling Human Disease (Toronto, Canada)
EGTC: Exchangeable Gene Trap Clones (Kumamoto University, Japan)
ESDB: Embryonic Stem Cell Database (University of Manitoba, Canada)
FHCRC: Soriano Lab Gene Trap Database (originally at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA; now at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Manhattan, NY)
GGTC: German Gene Trap Consortium (Germany)
SIGTR: Sanger Institute Gene Trap Resource (Cambridge, UK)
TIGEM: TIGEM-IRBM Gene Trap (Naples, Italy)
TIGM: Texas Institute for Genomic Medicine (Houston, Texas)


The IGTC pipeline uses BLAT to align sequence tags from dbGSS to the $organism genome and BLAST to match sequence tags to genes. The pipeline filters and reconciles the two sets of alignments to associate cell lines with trapped genes.


Thanks to the International Gene Trap Consortium for providing this track.