
This track shows Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) representative transcripts associated with MGI-curated alleles. Items are named by concatenating the representative transcript ID and allele symbol. All chemical- and radiation-induced alleles have been combined as type "Induced." Floxed/Frt, reporter, knock-out and knock-in targeted alleles are combined as type "Targeted." Random-expressed, random-gene disruption, and Cre/Flp transgenes are combined as type "Transgenic". The other types included in this track are "Spontaneous" and "Other". The "GeneTrapped" items that were included in this track in previous releases have moved to the MGI Gene Trap track.


The MGI database report MGI_PhenotypicAllele.rpt was parsed to provide a list of all curated alleles that have associated representative transcripts.


Thanks to MGI at The Jackson Laboratory, and Bob Sinclair in particular, for providing these data.