
This track shows predictions of AUGUSTUS. This program, which was developed in the Department of Bioinformatics, University of Göttingen, Germany, is available through the GOBICS web server.

Display Conventions and Configuration

This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks.

This track contains an optional codon coloring feature that allows users to quickly validate and compare gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. Click the Help on codon coloring link for more information about this feature.


Augustus uses a generalized hidden Markov model (GHMM) that models coding and non-coding sequence, splice sites, the branch point region, translation start and end, and lengths of exons and introns. This version has been trained on a set of 1284 human genes. These ab initio predictions were made using only the genomic sequence; no homology information or transcribed sequence was used.


AUGUSTUS was developed and this track was created by Mario Stanke.


Mario Stanke, Ana Tzvetkova, Burkhard Morgenstern AUGUSTUS at EGASP: using EST, protein and genomic alignments for improved gene prediction in the human genome. BMC Genome Biology, 7(Suppl 1):S11 (2006).

Stanke, M. Gene prediction with a hidden Markov model. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Göttingen, Germany (2004).

Stanke, M., Steinkamp, R., Waack, S. and Morgenstern, B. AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene finding in eukaryotes. Nucl. Acids Res. 32, W309-12 (2004).

Stanke, M. and Waack, S. Gene prediction with a hidden Markov model and a new intron submodel. Bioinformatics 19(Suppl. 2), ii215-25 (2003).