
This track shows locations of Sequence Tagged Sites (STS) along the mouse draft assembly. These markers have been mapped using either genetic mapping (WICGR Mouse Genetic Map, MGD Genetic Map) or radiation hybridization mapping (Whitehead/MRC RH Map) techniques.

Additional data on the individual maps can be found at the following links:

By default all genetic map markers are shown as blue; only radiation hybrid markers and markers that are neither genetic nor radiation hybrid are shown as black; markers that map to more than one position are shown in lighter colors. Users can choose a color to highlight a subset of markers of interest from the Filter options in STS Markers Track Setting page.


Positions of STS markers are determined using both full sequences and primer information. Full sequences are aligned using blat, while ePCR is used to find locations using primer information.

Using the Filter

The track filter can be used to change the color or include/exclude a set of map data within the track. This is helpful when many items are shown in the track display, especially when only some are relevant to the current task. To use the filter:

When you have finished configuring the filter, click the Submit button.


This track was designed and implemented by Terry Furey and Yontao Lu. Many thanks to Whitehead Institute (Broad Institute) and Jackson Lab for contributing the data.