Macaca mulatta
(J.R. Kaplan)

UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID: rheMac3
Sequencing/Assembly provider ID: Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen (GCA_000230795.1)
Assembly date: Oct. 2010
GenBank accession ID: GCA_000230795.1
NCBI Genome information: NCBI genome/215 (Macaca mulatta)
NCBI Assembly information: NCBI genome/assembly/310688 (Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen (GCA_000230795.1))
BioProject information: NCBI Bioproject: 51409

This assembly, rheMac3, is based on the genome of a five-year-old female originating from the South-West of China. The previous assembly, rheMac2, is based on the genome of an Indian-origin female.

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