
Expression data from Rosetta Inpharmatics. See the paper "Experimental Annotation of the Human Genome Using Microarray Technology" Nature Feb. 2001, vol 409 pp 922-7 for more information. Briefly, Rosetta created DNA probes for each exon as described by the Sanger center for the October 2000 draft of the genome and used them to explore expression leves over 69 different experiments. As in the original paper exons are labeled according to contig name, relative position in the contig, and whether they were predicted (pe) or confirmed (true->te) exons at the time of publication. For example, AC000097_256_te is the 256th exon on AC000097 predicted by Genescan which was confirmed independently. Hybridization names refer to the sources of the two mRNA populations used for the experiment. Please note: in the browser window the hybridization names are too long to fit and have been abbreviated. Also, the ratios were inverted as of Feb 12, 2002 to conform with standard microarray conventions of having the experimental sample in the red (cy5) channel and the reference sample in the green (cy3) channel.

Display Options

The track can be configured with a few different options:
Reference Sample: This option is only valid when the track is displayed in full. It determines how the 69 different experiments are displayed. The options are: Exons Shown: Probes on the microarrays correspond to gene predictions on chromosome 22, some of which were confirmed by known genes, others are predictions. This option determines whether data are shown for probes corresponding to confirmed, predicted, or all exons are shown.
Color Scheme: Data are presented using two color false display. By default the Brown/Botstein colors of red -> positive log ratio, green -> negative log ratio are used. However, blue can be substituted for green for those who are color blind. Gray values indicate missing data. Please note that due to technical limitations the details page will have many more color shades possible than those used on the browser image and thus may not match exactly.

Details Page

On the details page the probes presented correspond to those contained in window range seen on the Genome Browser, the exon probe selected is highlighted in blue. The detail display table is actually an average of many data points. It is possible to see the full data for each experiment graphically by selecting the check-boxes for the experiments of interest and clicking the submit value button.