
This track shows the locations of the putative proteins annotated in GenBank as NP_828849 (21-APR-2003, NP_828849.1 GI:29836505).


(From the GenBank entry):

Method: conceptual translation.

Note: It was assumed that the SARS orf1ab polyprotein processing map should be similar to that of murine hepatitis virus. However, of the two MHV papain-like proteinases, only PLP-2 seems to be well conserved for SARS coronavirus. The putative mature peptides located downstream from nsp1 are probably cleaved from the polyprotein by the nsp2 proteinase (3CL-PRO). The preliminary annotation of putative proteins and mature peptides was conducted at the NCBI.

Also note: There is a putative frameshift of -1 at genomic coord 13383 (protein base 4379).


The information was submitted to NCBI GenBank by BCCA Genome Sciences Centre, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and National Microbiology Laboratory Canada .