# tagType - A list of all tags allowed in a trackDb.ra file and what type stanzas they are # allowed in. If you add a new tag to the system you'll need to add it here to get # tdbQuery -check to not complain about it. While you're at it, be sure to add it to # the trackDb/README file too. # # The format of this file is simple. The first word in a line is the tag name. The # subsequent words are types it is allowed in. Wildcards are allowed in the types. # This file was generated initially with src/hg/oneShot/makeTrackDbTypeTags and then # edited lightly by hand. # # Note that type "customTracks" is used to reserve a symbol that can be in a # custom track track line. It is easier if this shares the same symbol space # as trackDb. accession * aggregate bigWig wig bedGraph aliQualRange bam allButtonPair * altColor * alwaysZero wig bedGraph autoScale * autoTranslate genePred bamColorMode bam bamGrayMode bam bamSkipPrintQualScore bam baseColorDefault * baseColorTickColor bed bigBed baseColorUseCds bed psl genePred baseColorUseSequence * baseQualRange bam bedFilter bed bedNameLabel bed bigDataUrl customTracks bigBed bigWig bam blastRef psl boxedCfg * browserLines customTracks canPack * cdsDrawDefault psl bed genePred cdsDrawOptions psl cdsEvidence genePred cell bed bedGraph centerLabelsDense * chainColor chain chainLinearGap netAlign chain bed psl chainMinScore netAlign chain bed psl chainNormScoreAvailable netAlign bed chain chimpDb bed chimpMacaqueOrthoTable bed chimpOrangMacOrthoTable bed chip expRatio bed chromosomes * codingAnnoLabel_snp130CodingDbSnp bed codingAnnoLabel_snp131CodingDbSnp bed codingAnnoLabel_snp132CodingDbSnp bed codingAnnoLabel_snp134CodingDbSnp bed codingAnnotations bed color * colorByStrand bigBed bed colorChromDefault psl compareGenomeLinks bed compositeTrack * configurable * configureByPopup * container * controlledVocabulary * dataUrl customTracks dataVersion * dateSubmitted bedGraph bed dateUnrestricted bed db * dbProfile * dbTrackType customTracks defaultGeneTracks bed defaultMaxWeight bed defaultLinkedTables genePred dimensionAchecked * dimensionBchecked * dimensionCchecked * dimensionDchecked * dimensionEchecked * dimensionFchecked * dimensionGchecked * dimensionZchecked * dimensions * directUrl * dividers * dragAndDrop * endFudge bed ensemblIdUrl genePred ensArchive genePred exonArrows genePred bed broadPeak exonArrowsDense bed expDrawExons expRatio expProbeTable expRatio expScale bed expRatio expStep bed expRatio expTable bed expRatio extTable * fieldCount customTracks filePos * fileSortOrder * filterBy genePred bed filterComposite * filterTopScorers bed5FloatScoreWithFdr bed5FloatScore firstItemPos customTracks frames wigMaf ensemblTranscriptIdUrl genePred ensemblGeneIdUrl genePred vegaTranscriptIdUrl genePred vegaGeneIdUrl genePred gClass_2way_consensus_pseudogene genePred gClass_2way_pseudogene genePred gClass_Ambiguous genePred gClass_Artifact bed genePred gClass_Duplicated genePred gClass_Ensembl_RNA genePred gClass_Ensembl_coding genePred gClass_Ensembl_non_coding genePred gClass_Ensembl_processed_pseudogene genePred gClass_Ensembl_pseudogene genePred gClass_Ensembl_unprocessed_pseudogene genePred gClass_Havana_TEC genePred gClass_Havana_coding genePred gClass_Havana_non_coding genePred gClass_Havana_nonsense genePred gClass_Havana_polyA genePred gClass_Havana_processed_pseudogene genePred gClass_Havana_pseudogene genePred gClass_Havana_unprocessed_pseudogene genePred gClass_Known bed genePred gClass_Novel_CDS bed genePred gClass_Novel_Transcript bed genePred gClass_Novel_transcript genePred gClass_Novel_transcript_gencode_conf genePred gClass_Polymorphic bed genePred gClass_Processed genePred gClass_Processed_pseudogene bed genePred gClass_Pseudogene_fragment genePred gClass_Putative bed genePred gClass_Putative_gencode_conf genePred gClass_TEC bed genePred gClass_Undefined genePred gClass_Unprocessed_pseudogene bed genePred gClass_Validated_coding genePred gClass_Validated_processed genePred gClass_Validated_processed_pseudogene genePred gClass_Validated_pseudogene genePred gClass_Validated_unprocessed_pseudogene genePred gClass_main genePred gClass_putative genePred gClass_cDNA_supported genePred gClass_coding genePred gClass_nonCoding genePred gClass_pseudo genePred gClass_problem genePred gainColor bed geneClasses bed genePred genome customTracks graphType bed5FloatScore bedGraph graphTypeDefault wig bigWig gridDefault bed bedGraph wig bigWig group * groupings expRatio hapmapPhase bed hgGene genePred hgsid bed genePred highlightBy genePred highlightColor genePred html * htmlFile customTracks htmlUrl customTracks idInUrlSql altGraphX genePred idXref genePred indelDoubleInsert psl bam indelPolyA psl bam indelQueryInsert psl bam informant genePred initialPos customTracks inputType customTracks interTable encodeFiveC interTableKind encodeFiveC #inputTracks bed factorSource #inputTracksSubgroupSelect bed factorSource inputTracksSubgroupDisplay bed factorSource inputTrackTable bed factorSource inputTableFieldDisplay bed factorSource intronGap psl genePred irows wigMaf itemAttrTbl genePred itemBigImagePath bed itemClassTbl bed genePred itemClassNameColumn genePred itemClassClassColumn genePred itemCount customTracks itemDetailsHtmlTable genePred psl bed itemFirstCharCase wigMafProt wigMaf itemImagePath bed itemRgb bedDetail bedGraph bed bedLogR bigBed linesAt chromGraph longLabel * longlabel genePred longLabelClip * lossColor bed macaqueDb bed mafDot wigMaf mafDotDefault wigMaf mafFile customTracks mafTrack bed mapDispatcher expRatio matrix netAlign bed chain psl matrixHeader netAlign bed chain psl maxChromName customTracks maxHeightPixels * maxItems * maxLimit * maxScore broadPeak narrowPeak maxWindowToDraw bam rmsk bed narrowPeak broadPeak bigWig bedlogR genepred vcfTabix maxWindowToQuery bigWig bed bedlogR metadata * mgiUrl bed mgiUrlLabel bed minGrayLevel bed broadPeak narrowPeak bedLogR minLimit * minMax chromGraph minScore bed broadPeak narrowPeak msaTable wig wigMafProt wigMaf ncbiAccXref bed nextExonText * nextItemButton * noColorTag bam noInherit * nonBedFieldsLabel bigBed noScoreFilter bedGraph bed bedLogR gvf bedDetail notNCBI bed ococci bed offset customTracks oldToNew genePred onlyVisibility wigMafProt wigMaf bed orangDb bed origAssembly * origTrackLine customTracks otherDb * otherDbTable bed otherOrg netAlign chain *Filter bed narrowPeak broadPeak *FilterLimits bed narrowPeak broadPeak *FilterByRange bed narrowPeak broadPeak pairEndsByName bam pairedEndUrlFormat bed pairwise wigMaf pairwiseHeight wigMaf parent * patDb expRatio patKey expRatio patTable expRatio pennantIcon * pgDbLink bed pgPolyphenPredTab bed pgSiftPredTab bed pred psl prevExonText * priority * private bed pslSequence psl pslTable bed qValueFilter bed narrowPeak broadPeak qValueFilterLimits bed narrowPeak broadPeak refSeqAnnoVersion genePred release * ucscRetroInfo psl sGroup_Birds wigMaf sGroup_Chimp wigMaf sGroup_Glires wigMaf sGroup_Euarchontoglires wigMaf sGroup_Human wigMaf sGroup_Placental_Mammal wigMaf sGroup_Placental wigMaf sGroup_Primate wigMaf sGroup_Primates wigMaf sGroup_Vertebrate wigMaf sGroup_bird wigMaf sGroup_fish wigMaf sGroup_hiv wigMafProt wigMaf sGroup_mammal wigMaf sGroup_placental wigMaf sGroup_primate wigMaf sGroup_vertebrate wigMaf sGroup_worm wigMaf sGroup_Caenorhabditis wigMaf sGroup_Nematode wigMaf scoreFilter broadPeak narrowPeak bed interaction bedlogR peptideMapping bigBed scoreFilterByRange bed peptideMapping bigBed scoreFilterLimits broadPeak narrowPeak bed interaction bedlogR peptideMapping bigBed scoreFilterMax bed bedlogR peptideMapping bigBed scoreMax bed bedlogR interaction peptideMapping bigBed narrowPeak scoreMin broadPeak narrowPeak bed bedlogR interaction peptideMapping searchMethod bed searchType bed selectSubject psl seqTable bed settingsByView * shortLabel * showCdsAllScales psl showCdsMaxZoom psl showDiffBasesAllScales * showDiffBasesMaxZoom * showNames bam showSubtrackColorOnUi * showTopScorers bed5FloatScoreWithFdr bed5FloatScore bed signalFilter bed narrowPeak broadPeak signalFilterLimits bed narrowPeak broadPeak smoothingWindow wig bed5FloatScore bedGraph bigWig snpExceptions bed snpExceptionDesc bed snpSeq bed snpSeqFile bed snpTable bed snpVersion bed sortOrder * sourceTable factorSource spanList * speciesCodonDefault wigMafProt wigMaf speciesDefaultOff wigMaf speciesGroups wigMafProt wigMaf speciesOrder bed maf wigMaf speciesTarget wigMaf speciesTree wigMaf speciesUseFile wigMafProt wigMaf spectrum * stripPrefix bam subGroup1 * subGroup2 * subGroup3 * subGroup4 * subGroup5 * subGroup6 * subGroup7 * subGroup8 * subGroup9 * subGroups * subTrack * subgroups bed summary wigMaf superTrack * symbolTable bed genePred pubsArticleTable bed psl pubsSequenceTable bed psl pubsMarkerTable bed psl pubsPslTrack bed psl thickDrawItem bed table * tableBrowser * tdbType customTracks track * transMapGene psl transMapInfo psl transMapSrc psl transMapTypeDesc psl transformFunc bed bedGraph wig bigWig treeImage wigMaf txInfo genePred type * url * url2 bed genePred url2Label bed genePred urlLabel * urlName genePred psl useScore * view * viewLimits * viewLimitsMax bed bedGraph wig viewUi * visibility * visibilityViewDefaults * wgEncode * wgEncodeGencodeVersion genePred wgEncodeGencodeAttrs genePred wgEncodeGencodeExonSupport genePred wgEncodeGencodeGeneSource genePred wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSource genePred wgEncodeGencodePdb genePred wgEncodeGencodePubMed genePred wgEncodeGencodeRefSeq genePred wgEncodeGencodeTag genePred wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptSupport genePred wgEncodeGencodeUniProt genePred wgEncodeGencodePolyAFeature genePred wgEncodeGencodeAnnotationRemark genePred wgEncodeGencodeTranscriptionSupportLevel genePred wibFile customTracks wigColorBy wig wigFile customTracks wiggle wigMaf windowingFunction * yalePseudoAssoc * yaleUrl * yalePseudoUrl * yLinOnOff wigMaf yLineMark * yLineOnOff *