
This track shows Genoscope gene model annotations from the GAZE program written by Kevin Howe. These annotations were computed using GAZE with a custom designed gene model. GAZE integrates information from Geneid, Genscan, Exofish (Human, Mouse and Fugu), Genewise (Human and Mouse) and Tetraodon cDNAs.


For a description of the GAZE program and the model that underlies it, refer to Howe KL, Chothia T and Durbin R (2002), "GAZE: A Generic Framework for the Integration of Gene-Prediction Data by Dynamic Programming", Genome Res. 12(9):1418-1427.

GAZE was run on masked Tetraodon genomic DNA using parameters calibrated for the Tetraodon genome.


Thanks to Genoscope for providing these data.