
This track depicts gaps in the assembly.

Gaps are represented as black boxes in this track. If the relative order and orientation of the contigs on either side of the gap is supported by read pair data, it is a bridged gap and a white line is drawn through the black box representing the gap.

This assembly contains the following two types of gaps:


The Feb. 2008 Caenorhabditis brenneri (aka: Caenorhabditis n. sp. 4. PB2801) assembly produced by Washington University School of Medicine GSC with the following data usage policy.

As described at WormBase: "This is a 20X inbred (one gravid female per generation) derivative of LKC28, which is conspecific with CB5161." Recently renamed to C. brenneri. Other conspecific strains: SB129, SB280. See also: Zootaxa 1456: 45-62 (25 Apr. 2007), Walter Sudhaus and Karin Kiontke.