
This track shows the contigs used to assemble the supercontigs in the draft assembly of the $organism genome.

Quote from

"The Caenorhabditis remanei genome was sequenced to a depth of 9.2X using using plasmid and fosmid libraries made from DNA extracted from a mixed population of females and males from all developmental stages. Coverage was based on an expected genome size of 130 Mb. The whole-genome shotgun plasmid and fosmid paired-end reads were assembled using PCAP (Huang, X. et al. 2003). The sequence can be downloaded from the GSC ftp site."

The UCSC Genome browser displays the 3,670 scaffolds as a single artifical chromosome, chrUn. There are 138,406,203 base pairs of sequence with 10,705,348 N's in gaps.


The May 2007 Caenorhabditis remanei assembly was produced by the Washington University School of Medicine GSC with the following data usage policy.


Huang, X., Wang, J., Aluru, S., Yang, S.-P., and Hillier, L. PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program, Genome Research 13(9), 2164-70 (2003).