
This track shows the draft assembly of the $organism genome. This version was assembled from 2.05 million whole genome shotgun (WGS) reads. The Phusion (Mullikin, J.) assembler was used to create contigs based on overlap information; supercontigs were then created using read pair information to cross gaps. These supercontigs were assembled into mapped ultracontigs based on FPC fingerprint mapping with material from previously finished clones used to bridge gaps. The sequence data was used to choose primers along major ultracontigs, from which a genetic map was constructed yielding six chromosomes. The genetic mapping data, along with data from 1:1 elegans:briggsae orthologs, were used to refine ultracontigs and to order and orient the sequences along the C. briggsae chromosomes.

In dense mode, this track depicts the contigs that make up the currently viewed scaffold. Contig boundaries are distinguished by the use of alternating gold and brown coloration. Where gaps exist between contigs, spaces are shown between the gold and brown blocks. The relative order and orientation of the contigs within a scaffold is always known; therefore, a line is drawn in the graphical display to bridge the blocks.

All components within this track are of fragment type "W": whole genome shotgun contig.