
The plot represents stringency of nucleosome positioning (at the dyad) as a fraction of positioned nucleosomes. Stringency metric is given by a ratio of putative mononucleosome dyad instances falling in a 23 base pair window of a given site to the number of infringing nucleosome dyads in a 300 base pair window.


The data for this track is supplied by the Sidow Lab, and the Fire Lab at the Stanford School of Medicine.
Track display advice provided by Hiram Clawson, UCSC Genome Browser Engineering.


Valouev A, Ichikawa J, Tonthat T, Stuart J, Ranade S, Peckham H, Zeng K, Malek JA, Costa G, McKernan K, Sidow A, Fire A, Johnson SM. A high-resolution, nucleosome position map of C. elegans reveals a lack of universal sequence-dictated positioning. Genome Res. 2008 Jul;18(7):1051-63. Epub 2008 May 13.

Supported oligo ligation detection (SOLiD) sequencing technology from Applied Biosystems.