
This track shows the location of the Compugen Zebrafish oligo sequences.


This track displays Compugen oligo data. These data are provided under the following license:

By using and/or downloading the oligo-nucleotides sequence information, or any part thereof, disclosed in this webpage/website (the Sequence Information), you hereby assent to all of the terms and conditions below. If you do not assent to these terms and conditions, you may not use or download the Sequence Information or any portion thereof.

  1. Permitted Use. You are permitted to use the Sequence Information for your internal research only.
  2. Restrictions. You are not permitted to commercialize the Sequence Information or any portion thereof, in any manner whatsoever. You are not permitted to synthesize oligo-nucleotides based on the Sequence Information or any portion thereof.
  3. LIMITED WARRANTIES. The sequence information is provided on an as is basis. compugen expressly disclaims all expressed or implied warranties related thereto, including without limitation any warranty of non-infringement, any and all obligations to defend any action or suit brought by any third party, and any warranty in respect of quality or merchantability of the sequence information, and fitness of the sequence information for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that the sequence information is not licensed by the fda or any other regulatory body for any purpose. You acknowledge that compugen makes no representation as to the comprehensiveness, reliability, or accuracy of the sequence information or that the sequence information are error free. The presence in or absence from the sequence information of any reference to information, data, events, research or developments does not imply the specific existence or the non-existence of such information, data, events, research or developments.
  4. LIMITED LIABILITY. Compugen is not liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages including damages based on economic harm to you, injury to property or lost profits to you, regardless of whether compugen shall be advised of this possibility. Compugen's total liability to you shall be limited to the amount paid by you to Compugen in consideration of the right to use the sequence information.
  5. RELIANCE. You acknowledge and agree that, the limited warranties and limited liability provisions set forth herein are fundamental elements in the basis of the agreement between Compugen and You, and that Compugen would not be able to provide to You the Sequence Information without such limitations.


Probes sequences were obtained from the Genome Insitute of Singapore (GIS) The sequences were mapped to the genome with blat followed by pslCDnaFilter using the parameters -localNearBest=0.001, -minQSize=20, -minNonRepSize=8, -ignoreNs, -bestOverlap, -minId=0.95 and -minCover=0.10.


Thanks to Compugen for the data underlying this track and to Sinnakaruppan Mathavan at GIS for providing the sequences.