
This track shows the location of the contigs of the July 2007 $organism Zv7 assembly from The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI).

A fingerprinted contigs (FPC) map was produced by restriction enzyme digestion with HindIII. Clones were selected from this for high-quality sequencing. To create the Zv7 assembly, a scaffold was produced using 1.02 Gb of sequence from 7,823 sequenced clones (7,139 finished and 684 unfinished). Whole genome shotgun (WGS) assembly contigs were added to fill in the gaps. For more information about the assembly, see the Assembly annotation track description and the WTSI Danio rerio Sequencing Project website.

The Zv7 assembly has a total sequence length of 1,440,582,308 bp consisting of 5,036 pieces: chromosomes 1-25, the complete mitochondrion genome (chrM obtained from GenBank), and 5,010 unplaced scaffolds. The WGS assembly consists of 131,933 contigs having an N50 length of 20,127 bp and 22,961 scaffolds (supercontigs) with an N50 length of 1,499,123 bp (n = 277). Of these, a total of 5,010 scaffolds are not mapped to chromosomes: 166 are in Zv7_scaffoldXXXX scaffolds (sequences tied to unplaced FPC contigs) and 4,844 are contained in Zv7_NAXX scaffolds (WGS contigs not tied to an FPC contig, chromosome unknown).


The Zv7 Zebrafish assembly was produced by The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, the Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology (Hubrecht Laboratory), and Yi Zhou, Anthony DiBiase and Leonard Zon from the Boston Children's Hospital.