/* advFilter - stuff to put up advanced filter controls and to build * gene lists based on advanced filters. */ #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "portable.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "hgColors.h" #include "hgNear.h" struct genePos *advFilterResults(struct column *colList, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Get list of genes that pass all advanced filter filters. * If no filters are on this returns all genes. */ { struct genePos *list = knownPosAll(conn); struct column *col; if (gotAdvFilter()) /* Then go through and filter it down by column. */ { for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (col->advFilter) { list = col->advFilter(col, conn, list); } } } return list; } boolean gotAdvFilter() /* Return TRUE if advanced filter variables are set. */ { char wild[64]; safef(wild, sizeof(wild), "%s*", advFilterPrefix); return anyRealInCart(cart, wild); } char *advFilterName(struct column *col, char *varName) /* Return variable name for advanced filter. */ { static char name[64]; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s.%s", advFilterPrefix, col->name, varName); return name; } char *advFilterVal(struct column *col, char *varName) /* Return value for advanced filter variable. Return NULL if it * doesn't exist or if it is "" */ { char *name = advFilterName(col, varName); char *s; s = cartNonemptyString(cart, name); if (s != NULL) fixSafariSpaceInQuotes(s); return s; } char *advFilterNameI(struct column *col, char *varName) /* Return name for advanced filter that doesn't force filter. */ { static char name[64]; safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s.%s", advFilterPrefixI, col->name, varName); return name; } void advFilterRemakeTextVar(struct column *col, char *varName, int size) /* Make a text field of given name and size filling it in with * the existing value if any. */ { char *var = advFilterName(col, varName); cartMakeTextVar(cart, var, NULL, size); } void advFilterKeyUploadButton(struct column *col) /* Make a button for uploading keywords. */ { colButton(col, keyWordUploadPrefix, "upload list"); } struct column *advFilterKeyUploadPressed(struct column *colList) /* Return column where an key upload button was pressed, or * NULL if none. */ { return colButtonPressed(colList, keyWordUploadPrefix); } void doAdvFilterKeyUpload(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct column *col) /* Handle upload keyword list button press in advanced filter form. */ { char *varName = NULL; char buf[1024]; cartRemovePrefix(cart, keyWordUploadPrefix); safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "Upload List : %s - %s", col->shortLabel, col->longLabel); makeTitle(buf, NULL); hPrintf("
\n"); cartSaveSession(cart); hPrintf("Enter the name of a file from your computer that contains a list"); hPrintf("of items separated by a space, tab or line.
"); varName = colVarName(col, keyWordPastedPrefix); hPrintf(" ", varName); cgiMakeButton("submit", "submit"); hPrintf("
"); } void advFilterKeyPasteButton(struct column *col) /* Make a button for uploading keywords. */ { colButton(col, keyWordPastePrefix, "paste list"); } struct column *advFilterKeyPastePressed(struct column *colList) /* Return column where an key upload button was pressed, or * NULL if none. */ { return colButtonPressed(colList, keyWordPastePrefix); } void doAdvFilterKeyPaste(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct column *col) /* Handle upload keyword list button press in advanced filter form. */ { char *varName = NULL; char buf[1024]; cartRemovePrefix(cart, keyWordPastePrefix); safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "Paste List : %s - %s", col->shortLabel, col->longLabel); makeTitle(buf, NULL); hPrintf("
\n"); cartSaveSession(cart); hPrintf("Paste in a list of items to match. "); cgiMakeButton("submit", "submit"); hPrintf("
\n"); varName = colVarName(col, keyWordPastedPrefix); cgiMakeTextArea(varName, "", 10, 60); hPrintf("
"); } struct column *advFilterKeyPastedPressed(struct column *colList) /* Return column where an key upload button was pressed, or * NULL if none. */ { return colButtonPressed(colList, keyWordPastedPrefix); } void doAdvFilterKeyPasted(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct column *col) /* Handle submission in key-paste in form. */ { char *pasteVarName = colVarName(col, keyWordPastedPrefix); char *pasteVal = trimSpaces(cartString(cart, pasteVarName)); char *keyVarName = advFilterName(col, "keyFile"); if (pasteVal == NULL || pasteVal[0] == 0) { /* If string is empty then clear cart variable. */ cartRemove(cart, keyVarName); } else { /* Else write variable to temp file and save temp * file name. */ struct tempName tn; FILE *f; makeTempName(&tn, "near", ".key"); f = mustOpen(tn.forCgi, "w"); mustWrite(f, pasteVal, strlen(pasteVal)); carefulClose(&f); cartSetString(cart, keyVarName, tn.forCgi); } cartRemovePrefix(cart, keyWordPastedPrefix); doAdvFilter(conn, colList); } void advFilterKeyClearButton(struct column *col) /* Make a button for uploading keywords. */ { colButton(col, keyWordClearPrefix, "Clear List"); } struct column *advFilterKeyClearPressed(struct column *colList) /* Return column where an key upload button was pressed, or * NULL if none. */ { return colButtonPressed(colList, keyWordClearPrefix); } void doAdvFilterKeyClear(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, struct column *col) /* Handle upload keyword list button press in advanced filter form. */ { cartRemovePrefix(cart, keyWordClearPrefix); cartRemove(cart, advFilterName(col, "keyFile")); doAdvFilter(conn, colList); } static char *anyAllMenu[] = {"all", "any"}; void advFilterAnyAllMenu(struct column *col, char *varName, boolean defaultAny) /* Make a drop-down menu with value all/any. */ { char *var = advFilterNameI(col, varName); char *val = cartUsualString(cart, var, anyAllMenu[defaultAny]); cgiMakeDropList(var, anyAllMenu, ArraySize(anyAllMenu), val); } boolean advFilterOrLogic(struct column *col, char *varName, boolean defaultOr) /* Return TRUE if user has selected 'all' from any/all menu * of given name. */ { char *var = advFilterNameI(col, varName); char *val = cartUsualString(cart, var, anyAllMenu[defaultOr]); return sameWord(val, "any"); } struct userSettings *filUserSettings() /* Return userSettings object for columns. */ { struct userSettings *us = userSettingsNew(cart, "Current Filter Settings", filSavedCurrentVarName, filSaveSettingsPrefix); userSettingsCapturePrefix(us, advFilterPrefix); userSettingsCapturePrefix(us, advFilterPrefixI); return us; } static void bigButtons() /* Put up the big clear/submit buttons. */ { hPrintf("
"); cgiMakeButton("submit", "submit"); hPrintf(""); cgiMakeButton(advFilterClearVarName, "clear filter"); hPrintf(""); cgiMakeButton(filSaveCurrentVarName, "save filter"); hPrintf(""); cgiMakeOptionalButton(filUseSavedVarName, "load filter", !userSettingsAnySaved(filUserSettings())); hPrintf("
"); } void doAdvFilter(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Put up advanced filter page. */ { struct column *col; boolean passPresent[2]; int onOff = 0; makeTitle("Gene Sorter Filter", "hgNearHelp.html#Filter"); hPrintf("
\n", cartUsualString(cart, "formMethod", "POST")); cartSaveSession(cart); controlPanelStart(); hPrintf("On this page you can restrict which genes appear in the main table
"); hPrintf("based on the values in any column. Click the submit button to return
"); hPrintf("to the main Gene Sorter page with the current filter settings applied."); bigButtons(); hPrintf("Quickly obtain a list of gene " "names that pass the filter: "); cgiMakeButton(advFilterListVarName, "list names"); controlPanelEnd(); /* See if have any to do in either first (displayed columns) * or second (hidden columns) pass. */ passPresent[0] = passPresent[1] = FALSE; for (onOff = 1; onOff >= 0; --onOff) { for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) if (col->filterControls && col->on == onOff) passPresent[onOff] = TRUE; } /* Print out two tables of search controls - one for displayed * columns and one for hidden ones. */ for (onOff = 1; onOff >= 0; --onOff) { if (passPresent[onOff]) { hPrintf("

Filter Controls for %s Columns:

", (onOff ? "Displayed" : "Hidden")); hPrintf("\n"); for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next) { if (col->filterControls && col->on == onOff) { hPrintf("\n"); } } hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("\n", col->shortLabel, col->longLabel); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("
%s - %s
"); col->filterControls(col, conn); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
"); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("
"); cgiMakeButton("submit", "submit"); } } hPrintf("
\n"); } void doAdvFilterClear(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Clear variables in advanced filter page. */ { cartRemovePrefix(cart, advFilterPrefix); cartRemovePrefix(cart, advFilterPrefixI); doAdvFilter(conn, colList); } void doAdvFilterListCol(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList, char *colName) /* List a column for genes matching advanced filter. */ { struct genePos *gp, *list = NULL, *newList = NULL, *gpNext = NULL; struct column *col = findNamedColumn(colName); makeTitle("Current Filters", NULL); if (col == NULL) { warn("No name column"); internalErr(); } hPrintf("
if (gotAdvFilter())
    list = advFilterResults(colList, conn);
    hPrintf("#No filters activated. List contains all genes.\n");
    list = knownPosAll(conn);

/* Now lookup names and sort. */
for (gp = list; gp != NULL; gp = gpNext)
    char *oldName = gp->name;
    gp->name = col->cellVal(col, gp, conn);
    gpNext = gp->next;
    if (gp->name == NULL)
	warn("Unable to find cellVal for %s -- tables out of sync?",
list = newList;
slSort(&list, genePosCmpName);

/* Display. */
for (gp = list; gp != NULL; gp = gp->next)
    hPrintf("%s\n", gp->name);
"); } void doAdvFilterList(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* List gene names matching advanced filter. */ { doAdvFilterListCol(conn, colList, "name"); } void doNameCurrentFilters() /* Put up page to save current filter settings. */ { userSettingsSaveForm(filUserSettings()); } void doSaveCurrentFilters(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Handle save current filters form result. */ { if (userSettingsProcessForm(filUserSettings())) doAdvFilter(conn, colList); } void doUseSavedFilters(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct column *colList) /* Use indicated filter settings. */ { userSettingsLoadForm(filUserSettings()); }