
This column shows the expression of genes during the cell cycle of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae.

Cells from a synchronous yeast culture were collected at 17 time points taken at 10 minute intervals, covering nearly 2 full cell cycles. By default, the column shows the ratio of gene expression at a specific cell cycle phase to expression of the gene overall. A gene that is more highly expressed in a cell cycle phase is colored red, and a less expressed gene is shown in green. The values are colored on a logarithmic scale. This coloring is standard, but is the opposite of what an inexperienced user might expect: in this case, red means go and green means stop! Black indicates that a gene is neither over- nor under-expressed in the cell cycle phase. Uncolored boxes (white on most browsers) represent missing data.

Column Configuration

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The data in this column were collected as described in the paper Cho RJ et al. (1998), "A genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the mitotic cell cycle", Mol Cell. 1998 Jul;2(1):65-73.

To associate particular genes with expression data we use a fairly simple-minded scheme. First we align the cDNA sequences around which the probes were designed to the genome. Then for each gene we pick the cDNA sequence with the alignment that most overlaps the gene as the source for expression data for that gene. Since many of the cDNA sequences and probes designed for the cDNA sequences just cover part of the gene, in most cases different splice varients of a gene will end up mapped to the same cDNA sequence.


Many thanks to Cho et al. for making the data available.