
This column shows the PSI-BLAST E-value (expectation value) between the Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL protein associated with the gene and one associated with the selected (highlighted) gene. The greater the similarity of two proteins, the lower the E-value is. Identical long proteins have an E-value of zero.


PSI-BLAST was run on the $organism proteins from the Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL databases of 15 November 2004 in an all-versus-all fashion using the following flags:

    -j 5  -e 1000 -v 1000 -b 0
These flags tell the program to do a maximum of 5 iterations and output a maximum of 1000 hits at E-values up to 1000.

Each protein is mapped to its associated known gene. Proteins that cannot be mapped are dropped. For each of the remaining pairs of aligned proteins, the best E-value under 10.0 is kept.


Click on a gene's E-value to display an alignment between the gene and the selected (highlighted) gene.