{ NULL, "hgEst", /* mapName */ "est", /* tableName */ "Human ESTs", /* shortLabel */ "Human ESTs", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgMrna", /* mapName */ "mrna", /* tableName */ "Full MGC mRNAs", /* shortLabel */ "Full Length MGC mRNAs", /* longLabel */ 2, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "BACends", /* mapName */ "bacEnds", /* tableName */ "BAC ends", /* shortLabel */ "BAC end pairs", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgEst", /* mapName */ "est", /* tableName */ "Human ESTs", /* shortLabel */ "Human ESTs", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 1, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgIntronEst", /* mapName */ "intronEst", /* tableName */ "Spliced ESTs", /* shortLabel */ "Human ESTs That Have Been Spliced", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 1, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgMrna", /* mapName */ "mrna", /* tableName */ "Sequenced mRNAs", /* shortLabel */ "Sequenced mRNAs from Genbank", /* longLabel */ 2, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 1, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgRepeat", /* mapName */ "rmsk", /* tableName */ "RepeatMasker", /* shortLabel */ "Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 1, /* useScore */ 1, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgBlatMouse", /* mapName */ "blatMouse", /* tableName */ "Mouse Blat", /* shortLabel */ "Mouse Translated Blat Alignments", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 100,50,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 1, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgContig", /* mapName */ "ctgPos", /* tableName */ "Chromosome Band", /* shortLabel */ "Chromosome Bands Localized by FISH Mapping Clones", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 150,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgCytoBands", /* mapName */ "cytoBand", /* tableName */ "Chromosome Band", /* shortLabel */ "Chromosome Bands Localized by FISH Mapping Clones", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 150,50,50, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgExoFish", /* mapName */ "exoFish", /* tableName */ "Exofish ecores", /* shortLabel */ "Exofish Tetraodon/Human Conserved Regions (ecores)", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 153,21,153, /* color */ 0,0,255, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgGcPercent", /* mapName */ "gcPercent", /* tableName */ "GC Percent", /* shortLabel */ "Percentage GC in 20,000 Base Windows", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgMusTest1", /* mapName */ "musTest1", /* tableName */ "Mouse Test 40", /* shortLabel */ "Mouse Translated Blat Alignments Score > 40", /* longLabel */ 0, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 0,0,0, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 1, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgRefGene", /* mapName */ "refGene", /* tableName */ "Known Genes", /* shortLabel */ "Known Genes (from RefSeq)", /* longLabel */ 2, /* visibility */ 20,20,170, /* color */ 137,137,212, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgRnaGene", /* mapName */ "rnaGene", /* tableName */ "RNA Genes", /* shortLabel */ "Non-coding RNA Genes (dark) and Pseudogenes (light)", /* longLabel */ 2, /* visibility */ 170,80,130, /* color */ 230,180,130, /* altColor */ 0, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ }; { NULL, "hgStsMarker", /* mapName */ "stsMarker", /* tableName */ "STS Markers", /* shortLabel */ "STS Markers on Genetic (blue), FISH (green) and Radiation Hybrid (black) Maps", /* longLabel */ 1, /* visibility */ 0,0,0, /* color */ 128,128,255, /* altColor */ 1, /* useScore */ 0, /* isSplit */ 0, /* private */ TRUE, /* hardCoded */ };