/* doSamT02 prints out the UCSC SAM-T02 Protein Structure Analysis and Prediction sub-section */ #include "common.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "pbTracks.h" char *getSgdId(char *protId, char *database) /* Get SGD gene ID from a Swiss-Prot ID */ { struct sqlConnection *conn2 = hAllocConn(database); char condStr[256]; char *sgdId; sprintf(condStr, "proteinId='%s'", protId); sgdId = sqlGetField(database, "sgdGene", "name", condStr); hFreeConn(&conn2); return(sgdId); } void doSamT02(char *proteinId, char *database) /* display the UCSC SAM-T02 Protein Structure Analysis and Prediction section */ { char *itemName = NULL; char query2[256]; struct sqlResult *sr2; char **row2; struct sqlConnection *conn, *conn2 = hAllocConn(database); char condStr[256]; char *chp; char *samSubDir; char *samHttpStr0 = NULL; /* SAM server*/ char *samHttpStr = NULL; /* UCSC GB site */ int homologCount; char *homologID; char *SCOPdomain; char *chain; char *bestEValStr = NULL; float eValue, bestEVal; char goodSCOPdomain[40]; int first = 1; /* return if this genome does not have SAM protein analysis results */ /* defensive logic to guard against the situation that the binary program is pushed, but the data tables are not */ conn = sqlConnect(database); if (!(sqlTableExists(conn, "samSubdir") && sqlTableExists(conn, "protHomolog"))) { return; } sqlDisconnect(&conn); if (!sameWord(database, "sacCer1")) { return; } itemName = proteinId; if (sameWord(database, "sacCer1")) { samHttpStr0 = strdup("http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/yeast-protein-predictions"); samHttpStr = strdup("../goldenPath/sacCer1/sam"); /* SAM analysis of SGD proteins uses SGD ID, not Swiss-Prot AC */ itemName = getSgdId(proteinId, database); } if (itemName == NULL) return; sprintf(condStr, "proteinId='%s'", itemName); samSubDir = sqlGetField(database, "samSubdir", "subdir", condStr); if (samSubDir == NULL) return; hPrintf("UCSC "); hPrintf("SAM-T02\n"); hPrintf(" Protein Structure Analysis and Prediction on %s", proteinId); if (!sameWord(proteinId, itemName)) hPrintf(" (aka %s)", itemName); hPrintf("
\n"); hPrintf("    Multiple Alignment (sequence logo): \n"); hPrintf("%s (pdf)
\n", itemName); hPrintf("    Secondary Structure Predictions: \n"); hPrintf("%s (pdf)
\n", itemName); hPrintf("    Close Homologs: \n"); conn2= hAllocConn(database); sprintf(query2, "select homologID,eValue,SCOPdomain,chain from %s.protHomolog where proteinID='%s' and evalue <= 0.01 order by evalue;", database, itemName); sr2 = sqlMustGetResult(conn2, query2); row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); homologCount = 0; strcpy(goodSCOPdomain, "dummy"); bestEVal = 100; while (row2 != NULL) { homologID = row2[0]; sscanf(row2[1], "%e", &eValue); if (first) { bestEVal = eValue; bestEValStr = strdup(row2[1]); } SCOPdomain = row2[2]; chp = SCOPdomain+strlen(SCOPdomain)-1; while (*chp != '.') chp--; *chp = '\0'; chain = row2[3]; if (eValue <= 1.0e-10) { strcpy(goodSCOPdomain, SCOPdomain); } else { if (strcmp(goodSCOPdomain,SCOPdomain) != 0) { goto skip; } else { if (eValue > 0.1) goto skip; } } if (first) { first = 0; } else { printf(", "); } hPrintf("\n= 1) { hPrintf("\"TARGET=_blank>%s(chain %s)\n", homologID, chain); } else { hPrintf("\"TARGET=_blank>%s\n", homologID); } homologCount++; skip: row2 = sqlNextRow(sr2); } sqlFreeResult(&sr2); hFreeConn(&conn2); if (homologCount == 0) { hPrintf("None\n"); } hPrintf("
    More Details: \n"); hPrintf("%s
\n", itemName); if (homologCount > 0) { hPrintf("    3D Structure Prediction: \n"); hPrintf("%s (PDB format, gzipped)
\n", itemName); hPrintf("    3D Pictures of the Best Model"); hPrintf(" (E Value: %s):
\n", bestEValStr);fflush(stdout); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf(""); hPrintf(""); hPrintf(""); hPrintf(""); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf(""); hPrintf(""); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n", samHttpStr, samSubDir, itemName, itemName); hPrintf("\n"); hPrintf("
\n"); } else { hPrintf("    3D Structure Prediction: \n"); hPrintf("No models presented, because none has E-value <= 0.01.
"); } hPrintf("
"); }