/* hapRegions - mapping between sequences containing haplotype regions and * reference chromosomes */ #ifndef HAPREGIONS_H #define HAPREGIONS_H struct cDnaQuery; struct hapRegions *hapRegionsNew(char *hapPslFile, FILE *hapRefMappedFh, FILE *hapRefCDnaFh); /* construct a new hapRegions object from PSL alignments of the haplotype * pseudo-chromosomes to the haplotype regions of the reference chromsomes. */ void hapRegionsFree(struct hapRegions **hrPtr); /* free a hapRegions object */ boolean hapRegionsIsHapChrom(struct hapRegions *hr, char *chrom); /* determine if a chromosome is a haplotype pseudo-chromosome */ void hapRegionsLinkHaps(struct hapRegions *hr, struct cDnaQuery *cdna); /* Link a haplotype chrom alignments to reference chrom alignments if * they can be mapped. */ void hapRegionsBuildHapSets(struct cDnaQuery *cdna); /* build links to all alignments that are not haplotypes linked to reference * forming haplotype sets. These includes unlinked haplotypes. * this should also be called when there are no hapRegions alignments to build * default hapSets. */ #endif