include ../../../inc/ PPART = ../pslPartition DIFF = diff test: defaultsTest level0Test level1Test partSize3Test partSize10Test dropContainedTest # not really the default any more defaultsTest: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=mrna1.psl OPTS='-outLevels=3 -partSize=0' level0Test: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=mrna1.psl OPTS='-outLevels=0 -partSize=0' level1Test: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=mrna1.psl OPTS='-outLevels=1 -partSize=0' partSize3Test: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=mrna1.psl OPTS='-outLevels=3 -partSize=3' partSize10Test: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=mrna1.psl OPTS='-outLevels=3 -partSize=10' # test of dropping PSLs completely contained in the exon of another PSL' dropContainedTest: ${MAKE} runTest ID=$@ IN=contained.psl OPTS='-partSize=0 -dropContained' # recursive target to execute a test # arguments: ID, IN, OPTS runTest: @${MKDIR} output rm -rf output/${ID}.out ${PPART} ${OPTS} input/${IN} output/${ID}.out ./getQNames `find output/${ID}.out -type f | sort` >output/${ID}.lst ${DIFF} expected/${ID}.lst output/${ID}.lst clean: rm -rf output