/* Stuff shared across modules. */ struct linkedBeds /* A list of beds that are from the same transcript with * possible soft edges between them. */ { struct linkedBeds *next; struct bed *bedList; /* Nonempty list of beds, order is important */ char *sourceType; /* "mrna", "refSeq", etc. not alloced here */ int chromStart,chromEnd; /* Bounds in genome. */ int id; /* Corresponds to source ID when filled in. */ }; struct txGraph *makeGraph(struct linkedBeds *lbList, int maxBleedOver, int maxUncheckedBleed, struct nibTwoCache *seqCache, double singleExonMaxOverlap, char *name); /* Create a graph corresponding to linkedBedsList. * The maxBleedOver parameter controls how much of a soft edge that * can be cut off when snapping to a hard edge. The singleExonMaxOverlap * controls what ratio of a single exon transcript can overlap spliced * transcripts */ boolean trustedSource(char *sourceType); /* Return TRUE source type is trusted (refSeq or something similar). */ boolean noCutSource(char *sourceType); /* Return TRUE if source is not to be truncated during snap to operation. */