Gene Set Summary Basis of gene set and why it's better than all the others. Estimates of total # of genes Evolutionary Observations Fluidity of gene boundaries Genes transcribed separately or together Adding domains by: Extending ends Alternative promoters Accretion of retroposons Alternative splicing Gene duplication and loss Transient expression after duplication Occassional incorperation NM_003841 - an example of recent dupe that was transient in chimp but kept in human. Rate of loss in mouse & human using dog as outgroup. Selective pressure in duplicated areas # of genes in duplicated areas of various ages. Alt-splicing and selection Conserved vs. nonconserved splicing. Regulate splicing increases selective pressure. Unregulated splicing similar to duplication, relaxes selective pressure. Example of exon lost in human that is filled by many different alt-exons Protein domain analysis Pfam analysis GO-based pie chart of domains Rate of evolution of various domains. Pervasiveness of alt-splicing Relationship of alt-splicing to alt-promoters # of isoforms vs. # of tissues expressed in # of isoforms sequences vs. expression levels Estimates of total # of transcripts Alt splicing and NMD Alt splicing inside the CDS Relationship of alt-splicing to domains. Estimates of total # of proteins including splice varients. Analysis of noncoding genes Coding/nearcoding/antisense/noncoding distinctions. Conservation of noncoding transcripts. Secondary structure in noncoding transcripts. Artifacts and noncoding transcripts. Estimate of # of functional noncoding transcripts. Where the genome goes wild Antibody clusters and their relationship to duplicons Things like antibody clusters T Cell Receptors (If the new 2-3 minor AB clusters hold up mention here) Other duplicated areas and confetti regions The blast in the past - chromosome 19. Gene nurseries in the present. Comparisons to other gene sets RefSeq Acembly Ensembl KG 2 Methods Overview Reference to txCdsPredict paper Reference to txGraph paper Notes from Chuck: Microsatelights in genes. Indels etc in protein.