#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; # script: extractRepeats # formerly known as: extractLinSpecReps # # Reading the marked up .out files as marked by DateRepeats # script which added some columns to the end of each line. # The extra columns have one of the following four characters: # ? - 0 X # So, for each line that matches "\s+[X0\?-]\s+$" # (there happens to be white space at the ends of the line) # These are the full marked up lines, extract the marks # at the end of the line, examine them to see if they match # the desired combination, and when matched, output the # line to stdout my $argc = @ARGV; if ( $argc != 2 ) { print "usage: $0 exclude-column marked.out.file > file.out.spec\n"; print " where exclude-column is 1, 2 ... N\n"; print " corresponding to column produced by DateRepeats\n"; exit 0; } my $column = $ARGV[0]; my $file = $ARGV[1]; die "column must be > 1" if ($column < 1); open (FILE, $file) || die "can't open file $file\n"; # read 2 header lines my $line = ; print $line; $line = ; print $line; # read data lines, printing only those with 0 in selected column # An attempt was made to match the end of the line with a pattern # that would capture the fields, but could not work out a pattern # that would do the trick. So, this brute force method, go to the # end of the line, scan backwards until the "repeat number" # column is found, then use that count of columns to determine # which column is being examined. while ($line = ) { chomp ($line); my @fields = split('\s+',$line); my $endField = scalar(@fields) - 1; if ($endField > 10) { my $i = $endField; # scan back as long as one of these single characters is matched for ( ; $i > 10; --$i) { if ($fields[$i] !~ m/^[X0\?-]$/) { last; } } my $compColumns = $endField - $i; my $matchColumn = ($endField - $compColumns + 1) + ($column - 1); if ($matchColumn > $endField) { printf STDERR "ERROR: line $.: requested match column %d is past end of line\n", $column; print STDERR "ERROR: there are only $compColumns to select from\n"; exit 255; } if ($fields[$matchColumn] eq "0") { print "$line\n"; } } }