/* This keeps a rmskOut plus a score. Oh isn't it grand? */ #ifndef RMSKOUTEXTRA_H #define RMSKOUTEXTRA_H #ifndef COMMON_H #include "common.h" #endif #ifndef HASH_H #include "hash.h" #endif #ifndef RMSKOUT_H #include "rmskOut.h" #endif struct rmskOutExtra { struct rmskOutExtra *next; struct rmskOut *rmsk; int numMasked; }; void rmskOutExtraFree(struct rmskOutExtra **pThing); /* Free one */ void rmskOutExtraFreeList(struct rmskOutExtra **pList); /* Free a list of dynamically allocated rmskOutExtra's */ void addToRmskOutExtraHash(struct hash *repHash, struct rmskOutExtra *addme); /* Add one to the hash of lists, indexed on the rmsk->repName. */ void freeRmskOutExtraHash(struct hash **pHash); /* Free up that crazy hash. */ #endif