table fileLocation "Location of image, typically a file directory" ( int id; "ID of location" lstring name; "Directory path usually" ) table strain "Name of strain (eg C57BL for a mouse)" ( int id; "ID of strain" int taxon; "NCBI taxon of organism" string name; "Name of strain" ) table bodyPart "Brain, eye, kidney, etc. Use 'whole' for whole body" ( int id; "ID of body part" string name; "Name of body part" ) table cellType "Neuron, glia, etc." ( int id; "ID of cell type" string name; "Name of cell type" ) table cellSubtype "A more detailed splitting up of cell types. What type of neuron, etc." ( int id; "ID of cell subtype" string name; "Name of cell subtype" ) table sliceType "Horizontal, coronal, whole mount, etc." ( int id; "ID of section" string name; "Name of horizontal/whole mount, etc." ) table fixation "Fixation conditions - 3% formaldehyde or the like" ( int id; "ID of fixation" string description; "Text string describing fixation" ) table embedding "Embedding media for slices - paraffin, etc." ( int id; "ID of embedding" string description; "Text string describing embedding" ) table permeablization "Permeablization conditions" ( int id; "ID of treatment" string description; "Text string describing conditions" ) table contributor "Info on contributor" ( int id; "ID of contributor" string name; "Name in format like Kent W.J." ) table journal "Information on a journal" ( int id; "ID of journal" string name; "Name of journal" string url; "Journal's main URL" ) table copyright "Copyright information" ( int id; "ID of copyright" lstring notice; "Text of copyright notice" ) table submissionSource "Source of data - an external database, a contributor, etc." ( int id; "ID of submission source" string name; "Short name: Jackson Lab, Paul Gray, etc." string acknowledgement; "Something extra to put in the caption after copyright" lstring sourceUrl; "URL for image source" lstring itemUrl; "URL for item. Put %s where imageFile.submitId should go" lstring abUrl; "URL for antibody. Put %s where antibodySource.abSubmitId should go" ) table submissionSet "Info on a batch of images submitted at once" ( int id; "ID of submission set" string name; "Name of submission set" lstring contributors; "Comma-separated list of contributors in format Kent W.J., Wu F.Y." int year; "Year of publication or submission" lstring publication; "Name of publication" lstring pubUrl; "Publication URL" int journal; "Journal for publication" int copyright; "Copyright notice" int submissionSource; "Source of this submission" int privateUser; "ID of user allowed to view. If 0 all can see." ) table submissionContributor "Association between contributors and submissionSets" ( int submissionSet; "ID in submissionSet table" int contributor; "ID in contributor table" ) table sectionSet "Info on a bunch of sections through same sample" ( int id; "Section ID" ) table antibody "Information on an antibody" ( int id; "Antibody ID" string name; "Name of antibody" lstring description; "Description of antibody" int taxon; "NCBI Taxon of animal antibody is from" ) table antibodySource "Information on an antibody unique to SubmissionSource" ( int antibody; "Antibody ID" int submissionSource; "Source of this submission" string abSubmitId; "ID within submission source" ) table bac "Information on a bacterial artificial chromosome" ( int id; "BAD id" string name; "Name of BAC, often starts with RP" ) table gene "Info on a gene" ( int id; "ID of gene" string name; "Gene symbol (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, if available)" string locusLink; "NCBI LocusLink ID, or blank if none" string refSeq; "RefSeq ID, or blank if none" string genbank; "GenBank/EMBL accession, or blank if none" string uniProt; "SwissProt/Uniprot accession, or blank if none" int taxon; "NCBI taxon ID of organism" ) table geneSynonym "A synonym for a gene" ( int gene; "ID in gene table" string name; "Synonymous name for gene" ) table allele "Name of a gene allele" ( int id; "ID of allele" int gene; "ID of gene" string name; "Allele name, + for wild type" ) table genotype "How different from wild type. Associated with genotypeAllele table" ( int id; "Genotype ID" int taxon; "NCBI Taxon of organism" int strain; "Strain of organism" lstring alleles; "Comma-separated list of gene:allele in alphabetical order" ) table genotypeAllele "Association between genotype and alleles" ( int genotype; "Associated genotype" int allele; "Associated allele" ) table sex "Sex of a specimen" ( int id; "Sex ID" string name; "Name of sex - male, female, hermaphrodite, mixed" ) table specimen "A biological specimen - something mounted, possibly sliced up" ( int id; "Specimen ID" string name; "Name of specimen, frequently blank" int taxon; "NCBI Taxon of organism" int genotype; "Genotype of specimen" int bodyPart; "Body part of specimen" int sex; "Sex - male, female or hermaphrodite" float age; "Age in days since conception" float minAge; "Minimum age" float maxAge; "Maximum age - may differ from minAge if uncertain of age" lstring notes; "Any notes on specimen" ) table preparation "How a specimen is prepared" ( int id; "Preparation ID" int fixation; "How fixed" int embedding; "How embedded" int permeablization; "How permeablized" int sliceType; "How it was sliced" lstring notes; "Any other notes on preparation" ) table probeType "Type of probe - RNA, antibody, etc." ( int id; "ID of probe type" string name; "Name of probe type" ) table probe "Info on a probe" ( int id; "ID of probe" int gene; "Associated gene, if any" int antibody; "Associated antibody, if any" int probeType; "Type of probe - antibody, RNA, etc." string fPrimer; "Forward PCR primer, if any" string rPrimer; "Reverse PCR primer, if any" lstring seq; "Associated sequence, if any" int bac; "Associated BAC if any" ) table probeColor "Color - what color probe is in" ( int id; "ID of color" string name; "Color name" ) table caption "An image caption. Does not contain tabs or newlines, may have html tags" ( int id; "Caption ID" lstring caption; "Caption text" ) table imageFile "A biological image file" ( int id; "ID of imageFile" string fileName; "Image file name, not including directory" float priority; "Lower priorities are displayed first" int imageWidth; "Width of image in pixels" int imageHeight; "Height of image in pixels" int fullLocation; "Location of full-sized image" int thumbLocation; "Location of thumbnail-sized image" int submissionSet; "Submission set this is part of" string submitId; "ID within submission set" int caption; "Pointer to caption, or 0 for none" ) table image "An image. There may be multiple images within an imageFile" ( int id; "ID of image" int submissionSet; "Submission set this is part of" int imageFile; "ID of image file" int imagePos; "Position in image file, starting with 0" string paneLabel; "Label of this pane in image file" int sectionSet; "Set of sections this is part of, or 0 if none" int sectionIx; "Position (0-based) within set of sections" int specimen; "Pointer to info on specimen" int preparation; "Pointer to info on how specimen prepared" ) table imageFileFwd "make imageFile forwarding table" ( int fromIf; "From imageFile" int toIf; "To imageFile" ) table imageProbe "Associate probe and image" ( int id; "ID of imageProbe combination" int image; "ID of image" int probe; "ID of probe" int probeColor; "ID of probeColor" ) table expressionPattern "Things like 'scattered' 'regional' 'widely expressed'" ( int id; "ID of expression pattern" string description; "Short description of pattern" ) table expressionLevel "Annotated expression level if any" ( int imageProbe; "Image and probe" int bodyPart; "Location of expression" float level; "Expression level (0.0 to 1.0)" int cellType; "Cell type expression seen in" int cellSubtype; "Cell subtype expression seen in" int expressionPattern; "Things like scattered, regional, etc." ) table lifeTime "Information of ages critical points in life cycle" ( int taxon; "NCBI taxon" float birth; "Typical number of days from conception to birth/hatching" float adult; "Typical number of days from conception to adulthood" float death; "Typical number of days from conception to death" ) table lifeStageScheme "List of schemes for developmental stages" ( int id; "ID of scheme" int taxon; "NCBI taxon" string name; "Theiler, or whatever" ) table lifeStage "List of life stages according to a particular scheme" ( int lifeStageScheme; "Which staging scheme this is" string name; "Name of this stage" float age; "Start age of this stage measured in days since conception" string description; "Description of stage" )