/* aliType - some definitions for type of alignment. */ #ifndef ALITYPE_H #define ALITYPE_H enum gfType /* Types of sequence genoFind deals with. */ { gftDna = 0, /* DNA (genomic) */ gftRna = 1, /* RNA */ gftProt = 2, /* Protein. */ gftDnaX = 3, /* Genomic DNA translated to protein */ gftRnaX = 4, /* RNA translated to protein */ }; char *gfTypeName(enum gfType type); /* Return string representing type. */ enum gfType gfTypeFromName(char *name); /* Return type from string. */ enum ffStringency /* How tight of a match is required. */ { ffExact = 0, /* Only an exact match will do. */ ffCdna = 1, /* Near exact. Tolerate long gaps in target (genomic) */ ffTight = 2, /* Near exact. Not so tolerant of long gaps in target. */ ffLoose = 3, /* Less exact. */ }; #endif /* ALITYPE_H */