/* boxLump - This will lump together boxes that overlap into the smallest * box that encompasses the overlap. It will put other boxes that * fit in the encompassing box in there too. * It works by projecting the box list along one dimension at a * time looking for gaps between boxes. This is similar in function * to boxFindClumps, but a bit less precise, and quite a bit faster. * in some important cases. */ #ifndef BOXLUMP_H #define BOXLUMP_H #ifndef BOXCLUMP_H #include "boxClump.h" #endif struct boxClump *boxLump(struct boxIn **pBoxList); /* Convert list of boxes to a list of lumps. The lumps * are a smaller number of boxes that between them contain * all of the input boxes. Note that * the original boxList is overwritten as the boxes * are moved from it to the lumps. */ #endif /* BOXLUMP_H */