/* dystring - dynamically resizing string. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #ifndef DYSTRING_H /* Wrapper to avoid including this twice. */ #define DYSTRING_H #include "common.h" struct dyString /* Dynamically resizable string that you can do formatted * output to. */ { struct dyString *next; /* Next in list. */ char *string; /* Current buffer. */ int bufSize; /* Size of buffer. */ int stringSize; /* Size of string. */ }; struct dyString *newDyString(int initialBufSize); /* Allocate dynamic string with initial buffer size. (Pass zero for default) */ #define dyStringNew newDyString void freeDyString(struct dyString **pDs); /* Free up dynamic string. */ #define dyStringFree(a) freeDyString(a); void freeDyStringList(struct dyString **pDs); /* Free up a list of dynamic strings */ #define dyStringFreeList(a) freeDyStringList(a); void dyStringAppend(struct dyString *ds, char *string); /* Append zero terminated string to end of dyString. */ void dyStringAppendN(struct dyString *ds, char *string, int stringSize); /* Append string of given size to end of string. */ char dyStringAppendC(struct dyString *ds, char c); /* Append char to end of string. */ void dyStringAppendMultiC(struct dyString *ds, char c, int n); /* Append N copies of char to end of string. */ void dyStringAppendEscapeQuotes(struct dyString *dy, char *string, char quot, char esc); /* Append escaped-for-quotation version of string to dy. */ #define dyStringWriteOne(dy, var) dyStringAppendN(dy, (char *)(&var), sizeof(var)) /* Write one variable (binary!) to dyString - for cases when want to treat string like * a file stream. */ void dyStringVaPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, va_list args); /* VarArgs Printf to end of dyString. */ void dyStringPrintf(struct dyString *ds, char *format, ...) /* Printf to end of dyString. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) #endif ; struct dyString *dyStringCreate(char *format, ...); /* Create a dyString with a printf style initial content */ #define dyStringClear(ds) (ds->string[0] = ds->stringSize = 0) /* Clear string. */ struct dyString * dyStringSub(char *orig, char *in, char *out); /* Make up a duplicate of orig with all occurences of in substituted * with out. */ void dyStringBumpBufSize(struct dyString *ds, int size); /* Force dyString buffer to be at least given size. */ char *dyStringCannibalize(struct dyString **pDy); /* Kill dyString, but return the string it is wrapping * (formerly dy->string). This should be free'd at your * convenience. */ #define dyStringContents(ds) (ds)->string /* return raw string. */ #define dyStringLen(ds) ds->stringSize /* return raw string length. */ void dyStringResize(struct dyString *ds, int newSize); /* resize a string, if the string expands, blanks are appended */ void dyStringQuoteString(struct dyString *dy, char quotChar, char *text); /* Append quotChar-quoted text (with any internal occurrences of quotChar * \-escaped) onto end of dy. */ #endif /* DYSTRING_H */