/* gfWebLib - stuff shared by gfWebBlat and gfWebPcr - little web programs * that query gfServer in different ways. */ struct gfServerAt /* A gfServer with an in-memory index. */ { struct gfServerAt *next; char *host; /* IP Address of machine running server. */ char *port; /* IP Port on host. */ char *seqDir; /* Where associated sequence lives. */ char *name; /* Name user sees. */ }; struct gfServerAt *gfWebFindServer(struct gfServerAt *serverList, char *varName); /* Find active server (that matches contents of CGI variable varName). */ struct gfWebConfig /* A parsed out configuration file. */ { char *company; /* Company name if any. */ char *background; /* Web page background if any. */ struct gfServerAt *serverList; /* List of servers. */ struct gfServerAt *transServerList; /* List of translated servers. */ char *tempDir; /* Where to put temporary files. */ }; struct gfWebConfig *gfWebConfigRead(char *fileName); /* Read configuration file into globals. */