/* regexHelper: easy wrappers on POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (man 7 regex, man 3 regex) */ #ifndef REGEXHELPER_H #define REGEXHELPER_H #include "common.h" #include const regex_t *regexCompile(const char *exp, const char *description, int compileFlags); /* Compile exp (or die with an informative-as-possible error message). * Cache pre-compiled regex's internally (so don't free result after use). */ boolean regexMatch(const char *string, const char *exp); /* Return TRUE if string matches regular expression exp (case sensitive). */ boolean regexMatchNoCase(const char *string, const char *exp); /* Return TRUE if string matches regular expression exp (case insensitive). */ boolean regexMatchSubstr(const char *string, const char *exp, regmatch_t substrArr[], size_t substrArrSize); /* Return TRUE if string matches regular expression exp (case sensitive); * regexec fills in substrArr with substring offsets. */ boolean regexMatchSubstrNoCase(const char *string, const char *exp, regmatch_t substrArr[], size_t substrArrSize); /* Return TRUE if string matches regular expression exp (case insensitive); * regexec fills in substrArr with substring offsets. */ #endif // REGEXHELPER_H