/* indexgl - Create an index for a gl file. */ #include "common.h" #include "sig.h" #include "snofmake.h" static boolean glNextRecord(FILE *f, void *data, char **rName, int *rNameLen) /* Reads next record of gl file and returns the name from it. */ { static char geneNameBuf[256]; UBYTE geneNameSize; UBYTE chromIx, strand; short pointCount; int point; int i; if (!readOne(f, geneNameSize)) return FALSE; if (!(geneNameSize > 0 && geneNameSize < 21)) errAbort("geneNameSize out of range [1:20] at: %d", geneNameSize); mustRead(f, geneNameBuf, geneNameSize); geneNameBuf[geneNameSize] = 0; mustReadOne(f, chromIx); mustReadOne(f, strand); mustReadOne(f, pointCount); for (i=0; i